Funny thing in Rowlet Games

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omagoj omagoj

pvz ez sunflower preview?!!!

beta has been released!

it is a minor yet IMPORTANT patch with the following changes:

- level 2 now works properly

- mini pear is reworked slightly

- the power up magical randomness is nerfed

pvz idk will be released soon!

it is a minor update with the following changes:

-seed menu now appears faster

-powerup arrow scroll now works both ways

-add currency system to the game (see more in article


I'm pregnant


pov: you have no idea what you've coded

"and at the end of the day, when all hope seems to be gone, there still stands a tallnut, humble yet strong"

Have you farted today?

  0 votes Voting finished


Happy Valentines Day!

What is better?

  8 votes Voting finished